Signed in as:
Signed in as:
(Aprox) 6872 Total Sqft. 6094 Finished Sqft on three floors. 8 bathrooms standard, 7 Number of Bedrooms, 2 Laundry rms, 6 W.I.C )
(Aprox) 8019 Total Sqft. 7267 Finished Sqft on three floors. 9 bathrooms standard, 8 Number of Bedrooms, 2 Laundry rms, 7 W.I.C )
(Aprox) 8987 Total Sqft. 8229 Finished Sqft on three floors. 9 bathrooms standard, 8 Number of Bedrooms, 2 Laundry rms, 7 W.I.C )