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Our Name Defines Us! If you are new to us, please watch the few short videos most less then two minutes. This will give you a better understanding of who we are. Welcome to your new home!
Please view this 4 minute video if your new to this website
What are allowances and why we do not do them.
What is the difference between another builders showroom and ours?
Are negotiations like financial racism?
To build the best structurally soild home in the market, for the price.
We build homes on-your-lot. We have no land. We build single family two story homes, on 9' foundation walls.
More square feet, cubic feet, bedrooms, bathrooms, closets, kitchen sizes, laundry rms, etc for the standard price. Reducing costs with value engineering with slight changes instead of building custom homes.
Focusing on construction services you can not do later. This would include getting more bathrooms instead of fancy stairs. We have a good looking home for the masses, instead of changing the windows based on a single clients desires.